http://en.jybest.cn 新東方在線 2015-06-13 大 中 小
beplay2网页登录訊 2015年上半年大學英語四六級考試於6月13日舉行,beplay2网页登录外語頻道第一時間彙總發布了【英語四級真題及答案 英語六級真題及答案】,供廣大考生查閱。
The Han dynasty is one of the most important dynasties in Chinese history. There are a lot of remarkable achievements during the reign of this dynasty. It was the first dynasty to open the door to other cultures, and its foreign trade was also prosperous. The Han dynasty's development of the Silk Road reached the West Asia and Rome.Various kinds of art thrived during the Han Dynasty, when many great works on literature, history and philosophy emerged. The first dictionary in China was compiled in 100 BC, embodying 9000 words. It provided meanings and displays different ways of characters. In the meanwhile, technology made great impact. Paper, sundials in water and instruments used to detect earthquake were invented. The Han Dynasty lasted 400 years. However, its rulers' corruption led to its dying out.
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