http://en.jybest.cn 新東方網z整理 2017-12-16 大中小
The importance of mutual understanding
As the saying goes, “Seek to understand other, and you will be understood.” The simple saying tells us the importance of mutual understanding. As a matter of fact, mutual understanding is not just a matter of importance, but also of necessity.
On the one hand, mutual understanding lays the foundation for all kinds of interpersonal relationships. The word is full of diversity and people hold different values and faith. Only when we understand each other can we put aside the differences, get along well with each other and keep a long-term relationship. On the other hand, mutual understanding can clear up misapprehensions. Everyone has his own principle when dealing with things. It’s unwise and unfair to judge a person’s behavior according to our own experience. To avoid misunderstanding, we need to put ourselves in others’ shoes.
In conclusion, mutual understanding undoubtedly fosters all relationships. Therefore, we should come to realize the importance of mutual understanding and try hard to create a harmonious world.
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