http://en.jybest.cn 新東方 2015-06-18 大中小
Some people think students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers in order to improve the quality of education while others say this will lead to loss of respect for teachers. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有人認為學生們應該被鼓勵去評價和批評老師以提高教學質量,有人認為這會導致對於老師的不尊敬,討論兩種觀點,給出你的意見?
Some people think that in order to improve the quality of education, schools should encourage students to evaluate and criticize their teachers. Other people, however, feel that will result in a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 有人認為為了提高教育質量,學生們應該被鼓勵去評價和批評老師,有人認為這會導致對於老師的不尊敬和課堂的無序,討論兩種觀點,給出你的意見?
1. 學生反饋是對老師的教學評估,是檢驗教學的重要標準。學生評價老師使教育者可以及時地了解學生的需求,進而及時地調整和改善教學方法。同時,學生的鼓勵可激發老師的教學熱情,可以想象,學生的點讚會激勵老師們專業上更加優秀。
2. 從學生成長角度而言,鼓勵學生評價老師也有利好。換言之,這可以培養成學生們的批判思維,鼓勵學生們的獨立表達。
3. 對於校方麵而言,周期性地鼓勵學生評估老師的教學可以淘汰那些不思進取,不受歡迎的教育者。老師們有了危機意識,才會不斷地精進教學。
1. 學生沒有成熟到可以對老師和他們的教學作出理性的判斷的程度。同時,有些學生可能會因為曾經被老師批評過對老師做出不負責任的評價。
2. 鼓勵學生評價老師,學生們可能會變得傲慢自大和目無尊長。
1. teachers = educators= instructors n老師
2. students = learners n學生
3. evaluate and criticize teachers v評價和批評老師
4. inspire sb to do sth = motivate sb to do sth = encourage sb to do sth v 鼓勵某人做 ……
5. comment on sth = make comment on v對……做出評論
6. make judgment on …… v 對於…… 做出判斷
7. the academic performance of educators n教育者的學術表現
8. the evaluation of the performance of teachers n對於老師的教學評估
9. timely feedback from students n來自學生們的及時反饋
10. make evaluation on teachers’ performance periodically v 周期性地對於老師的教學做出評估
1. Students ought to be encouraged to evaluate their teachers’ performance. 我們應該鼓勵學生評價老師的教學表現。
2. Traditionally, to respect educators and value education, as for students, is considered as a kind of virtue, however, many educationalists now encourage learners to evaluate and criticize their teachers. 傳統上,尊師重教被當做學生的一種美德,但是,現在很多教育家鼓勵學生們評價和批評老師。
3. Evaluation of educators by students, whatever its merits and demerits, would amount to a progress in educational practice. 學生評價老師的教學,無論利弊,都是教育實踐的進步。
解析:amount to = equal to v等同於……
4. Evaluation from students deserves more praises. 來自學生的評價更加值得讚美。
5. It will have a positive impact on enhancing the quality of teaching by eliminating those incompetent or unpopular teachers. 這可以淘汰不合格以及不受歡迎的老師,因此,有利於教學的改善。
解析:incompetent adj 沒有能力的
6. The encouragement from students will greatly spur teachers’ passion of teaching. Hence, the desire to gain more praises from students could greatly stimulate teachers’ motivation to excel professionally. 學生的鼓勵激發老師的教學熱情,因此,獲得學生的點讚激勵老師專業上更加優秀。
解析:spur v鞭策
解析:to excel professionally v專業上更加優秀
7. It is easy for teachers to timely receive students’ feedback so that they could adjust and optimize their teaching methods. 老師們可以及時地獲得學生的反饋,因此,他們可以及時地調整和改善教學方法。
解析:teaching methods = teaching methodologies n教學方法
解析:better = perfect = optimize v完善
8. Hence,timely feedback from students is beneficial to the perfection of education and the harmonious relationship of two parties. 因此,來自學生們的及時反饋有助於教學的完善以及師生關係的和諧。
9. Teachers are in the best position to evaluate the performance of their colleagues. 最好由老師來評價他們同事的教學表現。
10. Encouraging comments from students can give a boost to educators’ performance. 學生們令人鼓舞的評價可幫助教育者表現優異。
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