http://en.jybest.cn 新東方 2015-09-18 大 中 小
雅思口語part1 最基礎的問題應該如何說?house or flat作為雅思考試中part1最為普遍性的話題,其出現率已經不能用高頻來形容了,幾乎每位雅思考生都會遇到的題目到底如何回答才更巧妙。大家一起來看看!
What kind of housing/ accommodation do you live in?
Collocations:in the central area of 中心地帶
within the walking distance 步行到達的距離
Answers for Refrence:
I have a very small apartment in the central area of my hometown. Although it is very small, it is convenient. All places including supermarkets, office and also bus station are all within the walking distance.
2. Who do you live with?
Collocations:live alone獨自居住
cramped flat擁擠的公寓
Answers for Refrence:
Currently, I live alone because if I live with my parents, that would be very crowded.
And my parents don’t want to live in very cramped flat.
3. How long have you lived there?
Collocations:walk to the office步行去上班
live in the suburb 住郊區
daily commuting 每天的通勤
Answers for Refrence:
I have been living here about three years. As I said before, it is quite convenient.
I normally walk to the office and it just takes me 20 minutes every day
It saves time. I don’t want to live in suburb and spend a lot of time in dailycommuting
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