http://en.jybest.cn 小馬過河 2015-10-10 大中小
Not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What're the reasons for this problem? What're the effects on the society?
有關科目設置的題基本上都是有關beplay體育手機的,如science 對比arts, 而關於大學的題目主要是討論理論課和專業課的側重問題,從這一點來說,這是一道新題。回答這道題首先要明確一點:不選擇science的學生都轉向哪裏了?近年大學比較流行的專業有business, accounting, economics, nursing, computer science, communication, education. 第二點,science到底指什麼?它指的是physics, chemistry, biology
第一段:science 不像以前那麼流行,很多學生轉向business, accounting, economics
第二段:原因有:1 難學 2 畢業後的工資不如商科高 3 實用性不高
第三段:負麵影響:1 科學與物質生活的緊密聯係 2 science是很多實用學科的基礎
In some rapidly developing countries, increasing university students major in business, accounting, communication or computer programing rather than science. I personally believe that this is an inevitable transition in the era of information and globalization when capital flows worldwide and communication technology play a role in almost every field(狀語從句). The changes in technology and social evolvement are being reflected in the university subject preference.(進行時被動語態)
The first reason that science loses its popularity to other disciplines relates to the employment rate and starting salaries upon graduation.(同位語從句) Science undergraduates risk higher unemployment and earn less than computer programmers or businessmen and the gap may be wider in Master degree.(並列句)During the economic recession, some students with interest in science maygive in to the pressure in reality. Another contributor is the difficulty of science subjects that prevent many potential students from enrolling in this faculty.(定語從句) Picturing oneself as a scientist is not easy for a high school leaver. On top of the difficulty of this discipline itself, the application in practice and transforming into profit is harder.
However, science is so crucial to our human society that no country can afford the consequences of ignoring it.(結果狀語從句)Science is the basis of many practical disciplines such as environment science, medical science, space science, engineering, genetic science and so forth. Without the support of general science, many other fields would find it very challenging to get further developed. What’s worse, science is directly related to our material life. We live on scientific research findings and products, ranging from energy supply, aircraft to numerous consumer goods. (非謂語) It is hard to imagine living a life without these scientific advancements.(形式主語)
To sum up this report, science is less popular than before because the society demands more professionals in other fields such as business and communication.(比較句型+原因狀語從句) However I’m convinced that the potential implications are negative to the health of society, hence requiring relevant solutions to reverse the trend. (賓語從句+非謂語)
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