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英語專四備考係列:作文摸板--解決問題/建議型  滬江英語網    2012-12-24    



  英語專四備考係列:作文摸板--解決問題/建議型。這類題型往往是給考生一個社會現象或者背景 ,讓考生提出解決問題的方案 ,抑或是提建議想法,題幹中的高頻詞彙如下 :

  one way to solve the problem

  the best way to ...

  ideas and suggestions



  It is now generally accepted that vehicles (cars, trucks, etc.) are a major source of air pollution in cities. You are to suggest only ONE way to solve the problem. One Way to Solve the Problem


  Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health. And they have different ways to stay healthy. For example, some exercise every day; others try to keep a balanced diet. What do you think is the best way to stay healthy?

  The Best Way to Stay Healthy


  The Students’ Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included.

  My Idea of a University Arts Festival





  1. 問題解決型(如1998 ,2002)

  引言段 :複述題幹中的背景

  a. -------- has become a hot topic among people, especially  among the young, and heated debates are right on their ways.

  b. Recently, -------- has become the focus of the society. And in this way, people swarm to -------- and serious problems follow.

  c. -------- has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well.

  d.Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of--------. I would like to suggest a way to solve the problem. We might as well (解決 的方案). It is necessary that we do so for the following reasons.

  主體段 :For one thing, (方案的優勢1). (詳細闡述) For another, (方案的優勢2). (詳細闡述) 或者有3種以上優勢和理 由的,參考使用 :

  To begin with, then, furthermore, finally

  To start with, next, in addition, finally

  First and foremost, besides, last but not least

  Most important of all, moreover, finally

  總結段 :Above all, it is highly recommendable that we solve the problem in/through  ... for its advantages of A, B and C (這裏再把理 由壓縮一下敘述一遍).

  2. 建議型(如2005)

  引言段 :複述題幹中的背景 ,I suggest that we should (把idea ,suggestion都亮 出來)

  主體段 :詳細描述idea和suggestion ,闡明它們 的優勢和作用 :

  By doing so, we could ...

  It is feasible and effective for the following reasons...

  In this way, not only can students ..., but also they are able to ...

  總結段:小結一下背景,I hope that my ideas and suggestions will contribute a lot to ...







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