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2015年6月6日北美托福考試回憶【口語+寫作】  小馬過河國際教育    2015-07-27  



Task 1

Talk about an interesting school activity that you participated in recently. Give details and examples in your response.

參考答案:An interesting school activity I recently participated in was volunteer teaching. We went to a small, under-developed village that’s far from the city. Students from my school spilt into groups to teach the kids different classes. I was assigned to teach them English. I taught them some basic greeting skills which they thought was fun. During class breaks, all of us gathered outside to play sports of our choice. Some kicked around a soccer ball, some played the badminton and some played pingpong. Everyone had a blast. Before we left, we made some donations to the school. People donated money, books and school supplies. I would love to go back and visit the kids soon.

Task 2

Some people prefer to buy innovative high-tech products like cellphones and computers when they first came out, others would buy them after the price has been decreased. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

參考答案:I prefer to buy my high-tech products long after they’re first introduced for the following reasons. First, products like cellphone and computers are usually very expensive when they are first introduced to the market. When iPhone first came out, the prices were really high. But it was only about three months later, Apple cut the price by around $200. Not buying these product too soon can save us lots of money. Second, the first batch of product can be flowed. It’s wise to wait for reviews to come out so we can find out if they work as advertised. If there are problem, company will iron out these glitches and make it better.

Task 3


【原 因】因為大四學生書多,而且儲物箱放在書架邊



Task 4



【1個例子】教授說自己就有這樣的經曆,以前不買ice cream maker,因為覺得太難操作了。後來看了廣告教怎麼用的,覺得挺簡單,就買了。

Task 5


【解決方案】(1)下午開車去拿 可是去了沒時間準備物理考試;(2)明天媽媽開車送過來,教授說可以,但今晚來看展覽的女生請的朋友就看不到照片。

Task 6


【2種方式】(1) 把巢建在有自然庇護的地方,捕食者很難reach;(2)在樹洞裏在用沙土擋著,這樣捕食者發現不了。

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