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China Season: A British View

2009-06-01 來源:BBC中國網

China Season: A British View 中國年 - 英國人的觀點
Chinatown in London was at the centre of many celebrations in 2008

Programme Introduction 節目簡介

China Season in the UK was the largest festival of Chinese culture, with 800 events during the six months leading up to the Olympics in 2008. Yang Li and Daisy find out how these events are perceived by British people.

為了更好更大的宣傳08年北京奧運會,中國年這一大型文化展在英國和世人見麵了。這一展出曆時六個月共有800多場活動。我們跟隨楊莉和 Daisy 一起走進中國年。

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