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2015-07-24 來源:BBC中國網

一項由英國國民保健服務(NHS) 設立的基因工程研究項目有可能破解一係列致命疾病的發病秘密。此研究項目將通過分布設立在英格蘭醫院的十一所基因醫學中心來收集 DNA 樣本,用於幫助製定對一係列疾病有針對性的療程,尤其是對癌症的治療。請聽 BBC 記者 James Gallapher 的報道:

The NHS is aiming to be at the forefront of a new era of genomic medicine. Cancer treatment will be targeted at the precise mutations in DNA that are causing the patient’s tumour.

Genetic diseases will be identified by finding mistakes in the 3bn pairs of letters that make up our genetic code. Eleven genomic medicine centres will open in hospitals from Newcastle to Exeter in February. Their challenge is to sequence 100,000 genomes within three years.

It could improve treatment for some patients but all that data will be made available to drugs companies and researchers to help them create precision drugs for future generations.

Glossary 詞彙表

forefront 最前沿、前列

mutations 突變、變異

tumour 腫瘤

to sequence 確定… 的順序(編排)

drug companies 製藥公司

precision 精確的

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