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Happy Birthday

2011-11-02 來源:BBC中國網

The script of this programme本節目台詞


Callum:Hello – I'm Callum and welcome to my garden.

I don't live in the bustling busy centre of London. I live about 32 kilometres south of the BBC World Service's Bush House home in the county of Surrey.

Surrey is known for being very green. Beautiful countryside, hills and lanes – with typical English villages.

It sounds very peaceful and calm. Relaxing and idyllic.

But there is a noise here, something in the distance, persistent, never-ending. Perhaps you can just hear it in the background. No?

Let's get a little closer.

How about... now?

M25 in Surrey

A free flowing M25 runs through the Surrey countryside

That noise is the steady drone of traffic as one of the busiest roads in Europe cuts its way through the Surrey countryside. It's the London orbital motorway - known as the M25 - and the M25 celebrates its 25th birthday this month. Work began on it in the 1970s and the final section was opened on October 29th 1986 by the then Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.

Margaret Thatcher
Now you've got the message. This is a great engineering achievement.

Helen:剛才你聽到的是 1986 年 M25 最後一段道路竣工時,英國首相撒切爾夫人在通車典禮上的講話。

大家好,我是 Helen。可憐的 Callum 站在橫跨高速公路的一座橋上看著交通,而我卻在錄音室裏舒舒服服的坐著。那麼讓我們回到 Callum 那裏,學點倫敦的公路知識吧。請留意他提到的一些數據和經常用這段公路的司機們的反應。

It's a road, it's horrible, it's full of traffic, I don't like driving on it

M25 driver

Callum:Well, I've come away from the bridge now to somewhere a little quieter. Today's programme isn't so much On the Town as Around the Town because the M25 encircles the capital in a 188km loop. It makes getting around the south-east of Britain easier but it can also be incredibly frustrating as it's well known for its traffic jams, particularly during peak hours. I drive on it regularly and when the traffic is flowing, it's great. But it can be a real nightmare if you're stuck in a jam.

This kind of road has different names in different countries - in some places they are called highways, in others freeways - but in Britain they are called motorways. High speed routes to enable you to get places fast. At least, that's the theory.

The maximum legal speed on Britain's motorways is 70 miles per hour, which is a little over 110 kilometres per hour. Though at many times of day you'll be lucky to get anywhere near that speed. The Highways Agency, which is the organisation that oversees the motorways, estimates that the busiest sections are used by over 200,000 vehicles a day and that there are a million trips on the road as a whole each day.

So what's it like to use it and how do people feel about driving on it?

So what do you think of the M25?

I try to avoid it personally, taking any other route possible because there's always traffic or accidents on there. Apart from that, if it is clear it is quite handy.

I do actually tend to avoid it, even though I've never really had any issues with it. Whenever I'm on it, seems fine. Everyone seems to complain about it but I haven't had any problems myself.

In the morning when I'm going to work I use it as a time to reflect on what I've got coming and to start thinking about my day.

M25 driver

It's a road, it's horrible, it's full of traffic, I don't like driving on it.

Yep I've been on the M25 and I think London is a lot better for it than it would be without it.

It's the biggest car parking lot I've ever seen. But it is a way of getting around, it's the only way of getting up North I have. End up spending half my time on it most weekends really.

I've thought about it a lot recently and there's two ways I look at it. One, in the morning when I'm going to work I use it as a time to reflect on what I've got coming and to start thinking about my day. I've got my coffee, my radio. And then in the afternoon I just want to get back home and I just feel like by the time I've had half an hour on the M25 I just feel like I've got nothing left when I get back home and it's the most depressing place to be.

Helen:看來大家的反應都不一樣。大家認為雖然環城高速是必須的,有時候也很方便,但是往往讓人們覺得精神緊張。不過M25 環城高速帶來了一些出乎意料的效果,請聽 Callum 的講解。

Wraysbury lake

Created after the building of the M25 this lake in Wraysbury is a centre for scuba diving

Callum:Wraysbury is a small village, just off the M25. It has a number of lakes and this one, where I am now, is a dedicated site for scuba diving. It owes its existence to the M25. It used to be a gravel pit which was used during the construction of the motorway and when it was completed the pit was flooded and converted to a lake.

Helen:環城高速帶來了水上運動的設施,這一點大家可能都沒有預料到。看來M25並不完全是司機們的噩夢。不管怎樣,M25已經是25歲了,讓我們一起祝願它生日快樂。好了,該我在播音室裏和大家說再見了,那麼 Callum,你呢?

Callum:That's all from me from the hills, lanes and lakes that border the M25.