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GRE詞彙:用上這些詞作文更高分(一)  新東方    2015-09-21    





  能夠able→ capable, in a(ny) position

  一直all the time→ continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually

  許多地a lot→ noticeably, considerably, a great deal, substantially

  許多的a lot of→ many, numerous, a wide variety of (themes), a whole range of, a wide spectrum of (problems, themes, etc),an abundance of (opportunities, sources etc.)

  總是always→ invariably

  數量amount→ quantity

  結果as a result→ consequently

  本質上basically→ essentially, in essence, substantially

  組成be, amount to→ constitute

  下降become smaller→ be on the decline, be on the decrease, decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, recede 等等

  變糟糕become worse→ deteriorate

  在 之前before→ prior to

  開始begin→ commence

  更好better→ superior

  習慣於be(come) used to→ be accustomed to

  嚴重的,重大的big→ major, significant, substantial

  執行carry out→ conduct, execute, commit, implement

  更改change→ alter, alteration, modify, modification

  辦理,執行do→ conduct, transact(business)

  未能do not→ fail to, omit to

  結果end→ conclusion (to bring sth. to a conclusion)

  充足的enough→ ample, sufficient, adequate (grounds, evidence, preparation, resources etc.)

  普遍的,透徹的everywhere→ ubiquitous(mistakes), pervasive (influence)

  適當地fairly→ comparatively, moderately, reasonably

  弄清楚find out→ ascertain (the cause of sth., the truth of sth., whether sth. is true or not, what really happened etc); discern, discover (the cause of, factors behind sth. etc.)

  適當的fitting→ proper, appropriate

  憎恨hatred→ animosity

  含有have→ contain, be equipped with, possess

  假如if→ in the event of, in case (of)

  最終in the end→ eventually, finally, ultimately

  保持,一貫keep (doing)→ continue, continually, continuously, consistently, constantly, persist in

  了解know→ be aware of, conversant with, familiar with

  之後的later→ subsequent(ly)

  越來越少less and less→ decreasing(ly)

  準許let, allow→ permit

  喜歡like→ to be partial to sth., liking

  喜好liking→ predilection for sth, partiality for sth.

  冗長的long→ extensive(coverage, footnotes, passages, scope), protracted (delay, negotiations), 長時間的prolonged(illness, interrogation)

  look at→ consider, examine (argument, fact), explore, investigate (possibility), observe (behaviour)

  money→ funding, funds, resources

  more and more→ increasingly

  much→ considerably, substantially(相當的,可觀的)

  need→ demand, require

  next to→ adjacent

  now→ at present, at this juncture, at this moment, currently

  often→ frequent(ly)

  quick(ly)→ rapid(ly), prompt(ly)

  rich, wealthy→ affluent, opulent(society, life-style)

  right→ appropriate, correct, proper

  rough(ly)→ approximate, correct, proper






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