Since February 2013, when President Vladimir Putinannexed Crimea, we have found ourselves reachinginto the past — specifically to the cold war — to make sense of geopolitics.
自2014年2月俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾渠京(Vladimir Putin)吞並克裏米亞以來,我們在理解地緣政治時往往需要回顧曆史,確切地說是回顧冷戰時期。
From the 1950s, the USSR had nuclear weapons to compete with American might. It led amilitary coalition, the Warsaw Pact, that intimidated western Europe. Soviet ideologyrepudiated all that Nato countries stood for in politics and economics.
從上世紀50年代開始,前蘇聯(USSR)擁有了核武器來與美國角力。它領導了恫嚇西歐的軍事聯盟——華沙條約組織(Warsaw Pact)。蘇聯的意識形態與北約國家在政治和經濟上的所有觀念格格不入。
There were times, notably the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, when the world trembled at theprospect of imminent nuclear Armageddon. It remained a constant possibility, by accident ordeliberate action, until the late 1980s, when US President Ronald Reagan and MikhailGorbachev, his Soviet counterpart, began the process of strategic disarmament.
有幾次,迫在眉睫的核末日魅影使世界不寒而栗,特別是1962年的古巴導彈危機。核末日的可能性(無論是出於意外還是蓄意)持續存在——直到上世紀80年代末時任美國總統羅納德裏根(Ronald Reagan)和時任蘇聯領導人米哈伊爾戈爾巴喬夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)開始戰略裁軍。
The reaction to Mr Putin’s actions in Ukraine from western leaders was swift and firm. USPresident Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and UK Prime Minister DavidCameron agreed on economic sanctions. The Russian economy, buffeted by the plunge inworld oil prices, sank further. Foreign direct investment dried up. Big Russian businesses joinedthe capital flight. In his December 2014 annual television message to the Russian people, MrPutin admitted hard times lay ahead while urging Russians to back him as the man to restorenational greatness.
對於普京在烏克蘭采取的舉動,西方國家領導人做出的反應迅速而堅決。美國總統巴拉克攠巴馬(BarackObama)、德國總理安格拉默克爾(Angela Merkel)以及英國首相戴維慍蕓倫(David Cameron)一致同意對俄羅斯實施經濟製裁。因油價暴跌而遭受衝擊的俄羅斯經濟進一步下滑。外國直接投資枯竭。俄羅斯大型企業加入了資本外逃的行列。在2014年12月向俄羅斯民眾發表年度電視講話時,普京承認俄羅斯麵臨艱難時期,同時敦促俄羅斯人支持他實現國家複興。
Russia, humbled in the 1990s, offers fertile soil for nationalism — and the more Mr Putin iscriticised by foreign leaders, the higher his domestic ratings. Yet his authoritarian methodsleave him vulnerable to the kind of unexpected protests that occur when people decideenough is enough. The miserable fate of Libya’s Muammer Gaddafi is a stark example of whatcan happen when an autocratic leader falls from favour — and fear of a civil commotion isnever far from the Russian president’s mind.
在上世紀90年代失去臉麵的俄羅斯,為民族主義的滋生提供了肥沃的土壤——普京越是受到外國領導人的批評,他在國內的支持率就越高。不過,他的威權做法使他容易在人民覺得受夠了之後遭遇那種意想不到的抗議。利比亞的穆阿邁爾慍乓菲(Muammer Gaddafi)的下場就是威權領導人失去權力後結局的鮮明事例,而對國內民變的恐懼始終讓俄羅斯總統難以釋懷。
This time, threats of nuclear holocaust do not spring so readily to Russian lips. Indeed, a treatyon further strategic arms reduction was signed as recently as 2010.
Moscow is certainly modernising its armed forces, which have proved more than a match for theUkrainians — but the Russian technological base is woefully inferior to America’s. Mr Putin maybluster but the reality is that he cannot risk war with Nato unless he and his bloated elite arewilling to forgo the benefits of their ill-gotten riches.
Russia has developed from the pupa of communism into an authoritarian-capitalistcaterpillar. Authoritarianism and market economics can be found together elsewhere in theworld, in countries that are far more successful than Russia in diversifying their economies;Singapore is probably a more attractive model. Russia has no allies, save for a crumblingclient state in what is left of Bashar al-Assad’s Syria. Moscow sells a lot of military technologyto that regime but it is doubtful that Mr Assad pays up any more dependably than SaddamHussein, who was notorious for running up debts to the Soviet leadership.
俄羅斯已經從共產主義的蛹蛻變成一條威權資本主義的毛蟲。在世界其他地方可以看到威權體製和市場經濟並存的現象,這些國家在推動經濟多元化方麵比俄羅斯成功得多;新加坡很可能是個較有吸引力的典範。除了一個搖搖欲墜的附屬國——巴沙爾阿薩德(Bashar al-Assad)仍在掌控的那部分敘利亞——俄羅斯沒有其他盟友。莫斯科方麵向阿薩德政權出售大量軍事裝備,但是阿薩德在買單方麵是否比薩達姆侯賽因(SaddamHussein)更可靠值得懷疑;當年薩達姆以拖欠蘇聯的債務出名。
All-out struggle between Russia and America on a cold war scale is not on the cards. What wedo have, however, is a situation that is bad — and could easily worsen.
It is optimistic to expect Mr Putin to change course. For now, he gains esteem at home whenbullying the neighbours. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have genuine cause for concern. In thelonger term, experience suggests Mr Putin will prove a poor geostrategic thinker. He hasalready damaged Russian economic interests, which surely lie in securing western assistanceto build up the country’s ability to cope with competition from China.
Mr Putin’s frequent diplomatic overtures for a Syrian settlement deserve seriousexamination. But he shows no sign of disengaging from Ukraine; and, having loosed the dogs ofnationalism, he would find it hard to put them back in the kennel, even if he wanted to.
This makes for a less predictable global situation than the finely tuned balance of power thatprevailed during the cold war.