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雙語新聞:勵誌“籃球女孩”的奧運之路  新東方    2015-09-29    



  A young Chinese girl's journey to create a future for herself, despite losing both legs in a tragic accident, has become the story that inspired thousands of disable people in China.


  Qian Hongyan, from Yunnan, south west China, made the headlines in 2005 when she was photographed 'walking' with the help of a basketball.Today, that same young woman is a champion swimmer with Paralympic dreams.In 2009, the determined girl became a national champion in the Chinese National Paralympics Swimming Competition.Last September, she won another gold medal in the 100m breaststroke final in the Yunnan Provincial Paralympic Games.


  A four-year-old Qian Hongyan had both of her legs amputated after getting into an accident in 2000 where she nearly lost her life. Her family were extremely impoverished. They farmed and produced silk for a meager living. According to People's Daily Online, with little resources available, her grandfather resorted to cutting up an old basketball to replace of her lower body.The little girl learnt to 'walk' on her hands by supporting her entire upper body using wooden pads with handles.The basketball helped her to balance and provided a platform to rest on when she got tired.


  She spent many years of her childhood being dubbed the 'Basketball Girl' by locals as a result.In 2005, Qian Hongyan's incredible hardship caught the widespread attention of Chinese, and later, international media. It also became a turning point in the then ten-year-old girl's life. With the help and support of donations, she was given the chance to travel more than 1,600 miles to Beijing and be fitted with her first pair of legs.


  Then another blow came in 2007. Through donations, Qian Hongyan was able to attend and finish primary school.However, according to Xinhua news, she was faced with the reality that her family simply did not have enough money to allow her to continue her education beyond the age of 11.






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