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和媽媽聊聊牛仔褲  互聯網  佚名  2015-11-19  



  Mom jeans is the informal term now used to refer to a style of women's jeans which have a high waist above the belly button and are loose-fitting, often with excess material around the crotch and legs. Bucking the trend for fading techniques and different shades of denim, these jeans are also characteristically a very uniform, solid blue. Other common features include pleats, tapered legs and elastic waistbands. The expression “mom jeans” is mildly pejorative, though in a light-hearted, humorous way.


  The very staple of most modern wardrobes, there's been an explosion in terminology for the different types of jeans on offer over the last couple of decades. There's now a whole gamut of styles, including crop or cropped – cut off just below the knee (and usually worn in the summer), skinny – with very tight legs, or the eyewatering spray-on, which are even tighter. At the other end of the spectrum, more baggy varieties include bootcut – with legs that are wider at the bottom, drop-crotch – which have extra material sagging down between the legs, boyfriend – a sloppy, comfy variety (the term takes inspiration from the idea of a woman borrowing her fella's clothes) and the more generic low-rise – a style designed to sit just below the waist.


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