Netflix獲得《處女情緣》等劇的國際在線播放權 新東方 2015-09-30 大 中 小
Netflix Picks Up Global Streaming Rights to 'Jane the Virgin,' Other Shows
'Jane the Virgin' 《處女情緣》
In a move to beef up its offering, the streamer also takes CBS thriller 'Zoo' and USA's post-apocalyptic drama 'Colony.'
Netflix's is shoring up its global offer by picking up rights to three more shows, including Jane the Virgin.
The New York Times first reported on Sunday that the streamer has signed deals for international rights to three shows, CW's Jane being the most notable, but also picking up CBS' thriller Zoo and USA's post-apocalypse drama Colony. The official announcement will be made on Monday.
The deal for the three shows follows Netflix's capture exclusive streaming rights for the first season of ABC hit How to Get Away With Murder. Netflix subscribers in the U.S., Canada and Latin America can binge watch Murder from Sept. 18.
The move to buy hit shows like Jane will reassure the traditional networks that Netflix will continue to be a steady customer of their content despite aggressive moves by the streamer into producing or financing original content exclusive to its platform.
Ted Sarandos, Netflix’s chief content officer told the Times: “We are a big buyer, and these guys are in the business of making and monetizing content.”
As it rolls out its service across the world, Netflix is busy building its library of content. The Times report states that Netflix plans on spending more than $6 billion in 2016 alone on feature films, television series, documentaries, stand-up specials and other content. The content spend is up about 62 percent from $3.7 billion in 2014.
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