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《行屍走肉》衍生劇《行屍之懼:462航班》  新東方    2015-09-30    



  AMC has announced plans for another companion series based in the same world as The Walking Dead, this time on the web. The 16-part series entitled Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462 will debut on October 4, and chronicle an in-flight outbreak during the early stages of the zombie epidemic as people aboard a commercial vessel realise one of their fellow travellers is infected.

  繼《行屍走肉》之後,AMC打算推出同一題材的16集網絡劇《行屍之懼:462航班》(Fear the Walking Dead: Flight 462)。本劇的第一集將於10月4號率先登陸AMC官網。新劇聚焦於僵屍蔓延的最初階段,故事設定在一架飛機之上,飛機起飛後沒多久,機上乘客意識到他們中的一員已經被感染了。

  Following its online premiere, the show will continue to air every Sunday both online and during commercial breaks for The Walking Dead season 6. The one-minute episodes share a strong connection to Fear The Walking Dead - as evidenced by the show's title - and will sync up to that series further down the line.


  “Flight 462 is a great extension of the world of Fear and will engage fans across multiple platforms with another riveting story set at the start of the fall of civilization,” said AMC original programming president Joel Stillerman. “We are thrilled to be collaborating with Dave Erickson and David Wiener on another piece of original content. Watching how they’ll bring one of these new characters to the second season of Fear will be really exciting for viewers to follow.”


  You can catch the first episode of Flight 462 this Sunday, the same day Fear The Walking Dead is scheduled to wrap up its first season of slow-burn dramatics, and continue to chart its flightpath when The Walking Dead season 6 debuts on October 11.







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