http://en.jybest.cn 英語閱讀網 佚名 2015-11-16 大中小
Tax cut for small models drives Chinese car sales
英國《金融時報》 帕提˙沃德米爾 上海報道
Beijing’s stimulus plan for the Chinese car market helped October motor vehicle sales to grow at their fastest pace in 10 months, driven by a tax cut on small cars.
Chinese car buyers have been holding back on purchases of big-ticket items such as cars, while consumer spending on other items remained strong on the mainland, which today celebrated another record “single’s day” shopping holiday.
However, the industry has seen some signs of recovery in recent months, with October motor vehicle sales rising 11.8 per cent year-on-year, to 2.2m vehicles, according to the state-backed China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. This was an acceleration from the 2.1 per cent pace recorded in September.
不過,最近幾個月汽車業已出現了部分複蘇的跡象。根據政府支持的中國汽車工業協會(China Association of Automobile Manufacturers)的數據,10月份汽車銷量同比增長11.8%,達到220萬輛。這一增幅高於9月份錄得的2.1%。
Sales of sport utility vehicles, the fastest-growing segment and a car popular with the rapidly growing middle class, rose more than 60 per cent in October over the same month a year ago.
Bill Russo, a motor industry consultant in Shanghai, said: “There’s a bounce because of the tax reduction and?.?.?.?there has been a trend, even in the slowdown period, of high growth in SUVs, particularly recently launched vehicles in that category are doing quite well.”
駐上海的汽車業谘詢師比爾?拉索(Bill Russo)表示:“之所以會出現反彈,一方麵是由於減稅……另一方麵是由於,即使是在放緩的時期,SUV也存在高速增長的趨勢,特別是最近推出的此類車型銷售非常好。”
Additional reporting by Jackie Cai
蔡潔晶(Jackie Cai)補充報道
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