http://en.jybest.cn 新東方 劉豐禕(譯) 2009-03-23 大中小
Where Is God?
One of the popular criticisms of fMRI brain imaging is the tendency for studies to plant flags in the brain. For instance claiming that one area is responsible for religion, and that the so-called “God spot” exists.
Critics say there is more to religious belief than a neural spot, as it involves faith and practice. So wide ranging networks of neurons may behave more like an R&B band, producing numerous melodies, rather than be dedicated solely to one rhythm.
Research published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences seems to support this side. Scientists scanned brains while subjects considered religious statements, one about God in our daily lives, “God’s will guides my family.” Another about God’s decrees, “God demands sacrifices.” And God’s emotions, “God is angered by human sin.”
All three types of statements sparked activity in well-known neural networks that also light up when we consider political beliefs, emotions, as well as abstract concepts, and when we understand others’ intentions.
Will we ever capture the idea of God in the brain? Most question this, after all, how does one find the region of soul in a rhythm and blues band?
功能核磁共振成像技術(fMRI)近來試圖通過腦成像來研究大腦不同區域的特定功能,這備受批評。比如,fMRI宣稱大腦中有一個區域負責宗教,還稱存在所謂的“上帝點”(God Spot)。
因為宗教涉及忠誠和相關的宗教活動,因此批評人士說與其說大腦中存在這樣一個“中性點”,還不如說存在一個宗教信仰的問題。大腦中的神經細胞網絡非常的廣泛,它們的行為方式更類似於一個節奏布魯斯樂隊(R&B band)的演奏,而樂隊演奏的旋律是變幻無窮的,絕不是演奏單一的一種旋律。
發表在本周《美國國家科學院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上的研究似乎支持上述觀點。科學家讓實驗參與者們考慮如下的宗教性語言,其中一句與我們日常生活中的上帝有關——“上帝的旨意引導我的家庭”。另外一句與上帝的命令有關——“上帝要求我們做出犧牲。”還有一句與上帝的情感有關——“上帝因為人類的原罪而憤怒。”當實驗參與者們在考慮這些宗教語言的時候,科學家們對他們的大腦利用功能核磁共振成像技術進行掃描。
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