http://en.jybest.cn 互聯網 佚名 2015-10-23 大中小
I'm young in spirit. 我的心還很年輕.
I have a youthful spirit.
I'm young at heart.
Can't you fix it? 修理
I'm all thumbs. 笨手笨腳的 *thumb大拇指(我笨手笨腳的)
I'm very clumsy.
I have butterfingers.
I like being alone.我喜歡獨處。
I enjoy having time to myself.
I'm a loner.
I'm temperamental. 我愛發脾氣
I'm not. I'm easygoing.我可不是,我挺隨和
I'm an optimist. 我是個樂天派
I'm carefree.
I like to take it easy.
Your face is red!
I get embarrassed easily. 我遇事就慌。
I'm practical about everything. 現實的
I like to be practical about things.
I'm a very practical person.
I have a one-track mind. 我是一根筋
I'm obsessed with one idea.
I can't take my mind off of...無法不去想..
I'm a good judge of character. 我看人很準.
I have a good eye for character.
I'm a poor judge of character.
You like sweets, don't you?
Yeah, I have a sweet tooth.是.我愛吃甜食
I love sweets.
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