http://en.jybest.cn 互聯網 佚名 2015-10-23 大中小
What's today's date?今天幾號?--It's the tenth.
It's August thirteenth.八月十三日.
It's the thirteenth of August.
What day is it? 今天星期幾?
It's Thursday. 星期四.
Do you have the time? 現在幾點?
What time is it now?
Have you got the time?
What time have you got?
May I ask the time?
Could you tell me what time is it now?
It's almost noon.快到中午了.
It's one o'clock.現在一點鍾了.
It's a quarter to two. 一點四十五分
It's one forty-five.
It's a quarter of two.
It's a quarter till two.
It's five after one.一點五分
It's five past one.
It's half past nine.
It's five minutes after one o'clock.
The clock says 3:15 three fifteen.
It's a quarter after three.3.15分
It's a quarter past three. / It's 3∶15.
It's ten to two.差十分兩點.
It's 1∶50 (one fifty).
It's nine thirty.九點半(九點三十)
It's half past nine.
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