http://en.jybest.cn 互聯網 佚名 2015-10-23 大中小
There you are! 原來你在這兒啊!
Were you looking for me? 你找我?
Here you are. /Found you!
Is Jeff around? 傑夫在嗎?
He was here a few minutes ago.
Have you seen Scott? --No, not today.你見到斯科特了嗎?
I ran into him. 我偶然遇到了他.
I bumped into him.
Guess who I bumped into yesterday?
He's a stranger to me.我跟他素不相識
It's been a long time.好久不見-It sure has.
Yeah, it's been so long.好久不見
John, is that you? 你是約翰吧?
Long time no see. 好久沒見了。
Yeah, how have you been?是呀,你還好嗎?
I haven't seen you for a long time.
I haven't seen you for ages.
How have you been doing? 最近怎麼樣?
What have you been doing? 忙什麼?
I've been alright.
Just working. 上班唄。
Nothing much. 沒忙什麼。
Where have you been? 你去哪兒了?
I'm glad to see/meet you again. --So am I. 很高興又能見到你.
It's great seeing you again.
You haven't changed at all. 根本、全然
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