http://en.jybest.cn 互聯網 佚名 2015-10-23 大中小
It's uncomfortable today.今天的天氣讓人不舒服.
It's unpleasant today.
The heat is killing me.熱死我了.
It's raining cats and dogs! 下了瓢潑大雨
It's frosty today. / It's a frosty day. 下霜了.
Do you understand? --I understand.
You have to improve. Understood?
Understood. 明白了!
Is that clear? 清楚了嗎? --It's clear.
Get the picture? /Do you get the picture? *這裏picture指“狀態”、“情況”、“事態”(你了解情況嗎?)
Did you grasp the overall situation?
Do you know what I mean? --I think so.你了解我說的意思嗎?
Are you listening to me? 你在聽嗎?/You know what I mean? 你明白我的意思吧?/Are u following me? /Do u get my drift? / Are u paying attention?
It's a great deal. 這可是筆大買賣。
Are you blind? 你不知道嗎?
Can't u see? /What's the matter with u?
You know what I'm talking about. 詢問
You know what I mean.
Don't play stupid.
I said that, didn't I? 我是那樣說的吧?
That's okay.
Did I repeat myself?
Do u know that? /Do u know about that? 你知道那事嗎?
Tom, do u happen to know Mary's phone number? 說不定你知道..? ---Yes, I do.
I can't tell the difference. /I can't tell.辨別(我辨別不出來)
Can you hear me? 你聽得見嗎?
Loud and clear.
Did you hear me?你聽見我說的了嗎?
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