http://en.jybest.cn 互聯網 佚名 2015-10-23 大中小
Jeff got married.
Yeah, I heard about it. 我聽說了
Yeah, someone told me.
Yes, I've been told. /Yeah, I know.
I hear you. 我聽著呢/我知道了
We have to work harder.
I hear you.
Yes, I understand.
So, do you get it?
I'm following you. 我理解了。
I'm with you.
I'm not following you.
He got fired because he was lazy.
Makes sense. *言之有理/有道理,可以理解
That makes sense. /Makes sense to me.
You're making sense.
That doesn't make sense. 這也太奇怪了
I can't tell you.
I don't understand. 我不知道/不明白
I'm not following. /I don't get it.
I'm confused.
I get it. /I understand.
I don't really understand.我太明白.
I don't understand very well.
So, was he the thief?
That's not clear. 那不太清楚。
We should do this first.
I can't see your point. 我不明白你在說什麼.
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