http://en.jybest.cn 競學網 2007-03-28 大中小
Dialogue I
A: Have you enjoyed your weekend?/ 周末過得好嗎?
B: Yes, it's been marvelous. It really was very kind of you to invite me. I hope it hasn't been to much trouble./ 很好,謝謝您的邀請。我希望沒給你們添太多的麻煩。
A: Not at all. We've really enjoyed having you. I hope you'll come and stay again next time you're in Beijing./一點都不麻煩。和你一起,我們真的很愉快。希望你下次來北京時,再來我們這一起聚聚。
Dialogue II
A: Yes, I think we've covered most of the points./我想,要談的問題我們基本上都已經談了。
B: Good. Are you going to be in Shanghai for a few days?/那好。你打算在上海待幾天吧?
A: Yes, until the beginning of next week./是的,一直待到下周初。
B: Well, er, my wife and I have invited some friends for dinner tomorrow, and if you haven't any plans we were wondering if you'd like to join us?/嗯,我和妻子明天邀了幾位朋友來吃飯,如果你沒有什麼安排的話,我們想請你一道來。
A: That's very kind of you, Mr Li. I'd be delighted to come./李先生,你真客氣。我很樂意來。
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