北京時間2022年5月26日 14:30在線開幕
The opening ceremony will be held on 26th May, 14:30 (GMT+8). The livestream will begin at 14:00 (GMT+8).
For PC user,please login to the CIEP offical website(www.ciep.gov.cn)HomePage Livestream room
▶議 程 / AGENDA
14:30-14:35 主持人開場並介紹嘉賓
14:30-14:35 Opening speech from the host and introduction of the distinguished guests
14:35-14:45 澳門特別行政區政府嘉賓演講
14:35-14:45 Speech by the distinguished guest of the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region
14:45-14:55 香港特別行政區政府嘉賓演講
14:45-14:55 Speech by the distinguished guest of the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
14:55-15:05 廣東省領導演講
14:55-15:05 Speech by the leader of Guangdong Province
15:05-15:15 北京市領導演講
15:05-15:15 Speech by the leader of Beijing Municipality
15:15-15:25 上海市領導演講
15:15-15:25 Speech by the leader of Shanghai Municipality
15:25-15:35 深圳市領導演講
15:25-15:35 Speech by the leader of Shenzhen City
15:35-15:55 科技部領導主旨演講,並宣布大會開幕
15:35-15:55 Keynote speech by the leader of the Ministry of science and technology and announce the opening of the conference
Since its establishment in 2001, the Conference on International Exchange of Professionals (“CIEP”) has been committed to promoting mutually beneficial and win-win international cooperation on scientific and technological innovation and international talent exchange. Today, the CIEP has become an exposition and trade fair for international cooperation on scientific and technological innovation and international talent exchange, as well as an important platform and well-known brand gathering global innovation resources.
As an important section of the CIEP, Shenzhen Forum has been attracting attention for its high standard, authority and quality. Since its establishment in 2017, more than 200 international political leaders, well-known scholars and corporate executives have participated in the forum to give speeches or interact with each other.
This year, leaders and distinguished guests from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Guangdong Province, Beijing Municipality, Shanghai Municipality, Shenzhen City, Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR will be invited to participate in the forum, to share their insights on the theme of“accelerating the construction of talent centers and innovation hubs of global importance” by elaborating measures, sharing experience, demonstrating achievements and looking forward to the future.
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