Shenzhen Technology University "Antenna Design Engineer-Microwave Breast Imaging System" Calls for Research Fellows 來源:beplay2网页登录廣東站 作者: 2020-04-23 字體:大 中 小
Research Fellow/Research Associate/Research Assistant/ Full-time, fixed-term 3-year opportunity
Selected candidates will work closely with the PI, Prof. Dr. Lulu Wang, and several international collaborators from McMaster University, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Mayo Clinic, University of California, North Carolina State University, Auckland University of Technology and University of Applied Sciences Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt.
Selected candidates will have a very relevant role in developing and implementing the strategy of the Microwave Breast Imaging System activities at Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU). The candidates will be encouraged to work with the team to develop new related research ideas and seek out productive relationships with other area researchers. Highly individualized mentorship will be provided.
Ph.D. in Electronics and Electronics Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, RF, Communication, Microwave related majors, or Computer Science.
Strong background required in Engineering, Manufacturing, and Production. Examples: Mechanical, Industrial, or Production Engineering studies.
Have proven working laboratory research experience and in-depth knowledge of Microwave Imaging /Electromagnetic Techniques/Antenna design and simulation /Cooperate with RF circuit for antenna debugging and rectification/Antenna debugging and testing according to antenna requirements
Have an emerging track record in producing and delivering high-quality research outputs with the capability to communicate and present research findings and knowledge at meetings.
Experience: strong record (preferred 5 years or more) of applied research and technology transfer in related fields. Proven record of leadership in relevant international and national applied research projects.
Excellent communication skills (both written and verbal) equip with the passion and ability to build strong relationships across all levels of professional staff within the organization.
High level of English. Other languages are a plus.
Participation in patents and other forms of Industrial Property.
Ability to translate industrial needs into applied R&D proposals.
Problem-solving skills and the ability to work under pressure. Willing to work in new and challenging situations.
Have a high-level of focus with attention to detail, as well as effective time management and analytical skills, and the ability to identify ways to perform experimental procedures with limited supervision.
Ph.D. degree in Electronics and Electronics Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, RF, Communication, and/or Microwave related majors
About us
With substantial financial support and favorable policies from the Shenzhen government, SZTU aims to be a world-class university of applied sciences and technologies. SZTU offers postgraduate, undergraduate, and online programs to provide students with a variety of work-relevant pathways.
To meet the urgent demand from the advanced manufacturing industry locally and nationally, SZTU is obligated to cultivate talents with the spirit of craftsmen such as senior engineers and designers. SZTU aims to establish itself as an open and innovative international university with Chinese characteristics and a global outlook. Our purpose is to offer life-changing experiences for our students and to help shape the world with research, innovation, teaching, and industry engagement.
Details of the University can be found at
About PI
Lulu Wang is currently a Professor of Biomedical Engineering in the College of Health Science and Environmental Engineering at Shenzhen Technology University in China. She received the M.E. (First class Hons.) and Ph.D. degrees from the Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, in 2009 and 2013, respectively. From 2013 to 2015, she was a Research Fellow with the Institute of Biomedical Technologies, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. In June 2015, Dr. Wang became an Associate Professor of biomedical engineering with the Hefei University of Technology. In December 2019, she became a Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Shenzhen Technology University. Her research interests include medical devices, electromagnetic sensing and imaging, and computational mechanics. Over the past 5 years, Dr. Wang has authored more than 60 peer-reviewed publications, 2 ASME books, 7 book chapters, and 4 issued patents. Dr. Wang is a member of ASME, IEEE, MRSNZ, AAAS, PSNZ, and IPENZ. She is an active reviewer of numerous international journals, books, and conferences. Dr. Wang has edited three books and two special issues of international journals. She has received multiple National and International Awards from various professional societies and organizations.
What we offer
We offer to join a very dynamic team with a culture of excellence in applied research. We have a bright professional career path and excellent working conditions. If you want to make a difference with your research in real-world applications, SZTU is the place to make it happen.
Compensation commensurate with experience and responsibility. We provide on-campus low cost living conditions, food subsidy, and respectively around 30,000rmb/25,000rmb/15,000 monthly pre-tax payment including social insurance benefits for those positions mentioned above.
How to apply
Please email your updated resume and cover letter outlining your experience & achievements to Prof. Dr. Lulu Wang (
In assessing merit, SZTU accommodates an emerging contemporary approach to work and career and will recognize achievement relative to opportunity. In your application, we encourage you to comment on your achievement relative to opportunity.
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