Part Ⅳ Translation (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese to English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.
In Chinese culture, red always symbolizes good luck, longevity and happiness. It’s seen everywhere on the Spring Festival and other joyous occasions. People put cash into red envelopes as presents for family members and close friends. Another reason for its popularity is that people usually link red with the Chinese revolution and the Communist Party. Nevertheless, red doesn’t signify good luck and happiness all the time. Because in the past, the names of the dead were written in red, it’s regarded a kind of offensive to write a Chinese’s name in red ink.
1. 注意用詞多樣化,相同意思的詞采用不同的英文單詞,避免重複,如:本題中“象征”就分別用了symbolize和signify兩個詞。
2. 注意句式多樣化,多采用一些關聯詞,如:all the time, nevertheless 等詞的使用,可以讓譯文更地道。
3. 意譯與直譯相結合,首先要保證譯文忠於原文,不要一味追求辭藻華麗。
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