It’s almost impossible to go through life without experiencing some kind of failure. People who do so probably live so cautiously that they go nowhere. Put simply, they're not really living at all. But, the wonderful thing about failure is that it's entirely up to us to decide how to look at it.
We can choose to see failure as “the end of the world,” or as proof of just how inadequate we are. Or, we can look at failure as the incredible learning experience that it often is. Every time we fail at something,we can choose to look for the lesson we’re meant to learn. These lessons are very important, they’re how we grow, and how we keep from making that same mistake again. Failures stop us only if we let them.
Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never have learned otherwise. For instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are. Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed.
人生幾乎不可能不經曆某種失敗。沒有經曆失敗的人可能生活得 過於謹慎,以至於也不會有什麼成就。簡單地說,他們根本就沒有真 正地生活。然而,失敗的美妙之處在於,如何看待失敗完全取決於我 們自己。
我們可以選擇把失敗看作是“世界末日”,或者是我們能力不足的證明。或者,我們可以把它看作是難以置信的學習經驗,它經常是如此。每當我們在某件事上失敗時,我們可以選擇尋找我們應該學到的 教訓。這些教訓非常重要,它們是我們成長以及避免再次犯同樣錯誤 的方式。失敗隻有在我們允許的情況下才能阻止我們。
失敗也可以教會我們一些關於我們自己的東西,如果沒有失敗, 我們永遠也學不到這些東西。例如,失敗可以幫助你發現你是多麼強 大。某些事情上的失敗可以幫助你發現最真誠的朋友,或者幫助你找 到通向成功意想不到的動力。
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