Dear new students, parents, Governing Board members, colleagues and friends,
A very good morning to everyone and a warm welcome to our new students! Welcome and congratulations on becoming one of the CUHK-Shenzhen community! It’s not easy to arrive at where you are today, considering the intense competition you’ve gone through and the many disruptions induced by COVID. 家長朋友們,首先我要祝賀你們培養了這麼優秀的孩子,同時我也要感謝你們在眾多大學中選擇了我們。現在我想請所有的同學和老師們起立,為我們的家長鼓掌。Families, I share your excitement in witnessing the first moments of your beloved one’s university life. Thank you for your trust in this University! Today is indeed one of the most joyful events of the year, for our incoming students are just about to transform the campus with fresh vigor, talent, and imagination.
Students, today’s ceremony is an unusual inauguration ceremony in CUHK-Shenzhen history as you are all viewing live broadcast in separate lecture rooms and remotely instead of sitting together here. Ever since the outbreak of the pandemic, the University community has been prompt in adjusting our ways of working and learning to meet the demands of the changing situation, and today is another instance of our readiness to adapt to change. New students, I feel proud that your university life begins by recognizing the need for change and joining the efforts to enact it.
As you open this new and important chapter of life, I feel it a pleasure to speak to you on a few things to, hopefully, help you better navigate the next few years. First, I hope you will cultivate the habit of mindful thinking. 我希望你們在大學四年中養成獨立思考的習慣。The University demands highly of you and I can tell that you will work hard, but I want to caution you against working hard unquestioningly. We don’t necessarily make progress by simply working hard if working does not go hand in hand with thinking. It’s equally futile to attempt to achieve something by doing everything that comes into your mind in a mechanically one-by-one manner. What I’m suggesting is that you train your mind to stay alive to your thoughts and actions, so that you can evaluate your efforts and make adjustment timely. To be more specific, do put aside some half an hour or so for quiet thinking and reflecting each day, each week, no matter how busy you get. You don’t have to and can’t possibly know everything, but you can be a mindful thinker all the time. I encourage you to be the latter. 同學們,你不需要是一個無所不知的人,但最好是一個凡事思考的人。
In our Age of Information, our greatest resource is threatening to become our biggest hindrance to mindful thinking. With an open internet accessible at all time and in all places, the temptation to search for the ready information online is enormous, but it becomes problematic if, whenever you come across with a question or a task, you turn immediately and unreflectingly to the internet. Another obstacle to mindful thinking is existing knowledge. Reliance on existing knowledge and internet often prevents us from thinking creatively. Worst of all, it sometimes prevents us from thinking at all. 妨礙思考的往往是你已有的知識。思考是一個創造的過程,而知識是你在網上找到的別人的資料,如果一碰到問題,你首先想到的是在網上搜索其他人的資料,你的思考能力就會逐漸減退,因此我想要提醒同學們要有意識地隔絕信息,培養自己的思考能力。
I hope you will enjoy university life. I encourage you to pause before TC 101 and dive into its exhibitions; I encourage you to sit down to one of our open-air concerts, to say yes to an invitation to a dance party and high-table dinner, to run an illumi run, to explore the many lectures and seminars including those outside your chosen field of study. I encourage you to get involved and cheer for your college teams, and above all, to make friends. Some of those sitting around you today will become your life-time friends in the years ahead. You will inspire one another, support and cheer for another, and enrich one another’s life.
同學們,百年前,一代青年學子以民族興亡、國家命運為己任,以青年的熱情、勇氣、誌向與決心締造了今日的共和國。今天在座的你們正如旭日勃發於東方,飽含著蓬勃的朝氣與希望,未來在等待著你們的描繪。同學們,我希望你們能夠始終牢記,將個人的發展與國家、時代的命運緊密聯係在一起,要立誌向,開眼界,腳踏實地,不負初心,承擔起一代青年的責任與使命!最後我想把一句話贈送給我們的新同學,“set out towards the moon, even if you can’t reach it, you can still stand among the stars.”同學們,朝著月亮出發吧,即使不能到達,你也將置身於一片繁星之中。
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