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Special Symposium of Shanghai University in Heidelberg University (Germany) and Bremen University (Germany) in 2019
Shanghai University will hold a talent-communication forum at both Heidelberg University on the evening of 10th November, and Bremen University in the morning of 12th November, local time.
Excellent talents from Heidelberg, Bremen and its surrounding areas, as well as alumni from Shanghai University are welcome to join our forum, including professors, associate professors, lecturers and postdoctoral students.
Heidelberg University
10th November 18:00-20:00
Location:Institute of Organic Chemistry,Heidelberg University
Address:Room129, Im Neuenheimer Feld 270, 69120 Heidelberg
Bremen University
12th November 11:00-12:45
Address:SFG 340 , University Bremen
Welcome overseas scholars to send basic informationand CV to rencaiban@oa.shu.edu.cn. The email and file name include recruitment location+ name+university+subject+post.
Contact: Mindy ZUO
上海大學學科門類齊全,涵蓋哲學、經濟學、法學、文學、曆史學、理學、工學、管理學、藝術學等學科門類。現設有29個學院、1個學部(籌)和2個校管係;設有86個本科專業,42個一級學科碩士學位授權點、1個二級學科碩士學位授權點(一級學科未覆蓋)、21種碩士專業學位類別;24個一級學科博士學位授權點、2個二級學科博士學位授權點(一級學科未覆蓋)、9個交叉學科博士點。19個博士後科研流動站。擁有4個國家重點學科、4個上海市Ⅲ類高峰學科、牽頭建設1個上海市Ⅳ類高峰學科、10個上海市Ⅰ類高原學科、6個上海市Ⅱ類高原學科, 8個學科進入ESI排名全球前1%。
Shanghai University has a complete range of programs, including philosophy, economics, law, literature, history, science, engineering, management and arts.
Currently, Shanghai University has 29 schools, 1 academic department (under preparation) and 2 university-run departments.
There are 86 undergraduate programs, 42 masterdegree programs in first-class discipline, 1 master degree programs in second-class discipline(uncovered by first-class discipline), 21 master degree categories.
24 doctoral degree programs in first-class discipline, 2 doctoral degree programs in second-class discipline, 9 interdisciplinary doctoral programs, and 19 postdoctoral research centers.
Moreover, the university leads construction of 1 Type IV peak disciplines in Shanghai, and has 4 national key disciplines, 4 Type III peak disciplines at the municipal level, 10 Type I plateau disciplines at the municipal level, and 6 Type II plateau disciplines at the municipal level. It has 8 disciplines among the top 1% of ESI rankings.
1. 國際知名大學教授,且在本領域有較高的學術造詣和一定的國際影響力。
2. 國際知名大學副教授、著名跨國公司研發部門負責人等。
3. 國際知名大學助理教授、博士後、博士畢業生。
The applicants for the following requirements are warmly welcomed:
(1) Professors from internationally renowned universities, with high academic attainments and certain international influence in this field.
(2) Associate Professor of International Famous Universities, Head of R&D Department of Famous Multinational Companies, etc.
(3) Assistant Professor, Postdoctoral and Ph.D. Graduates from internationally renowned universities.
Schools will provide competitive salaries, research funds and housing subsidies, with excellent supporting conditions, which provides you with favorable conditions for your career. Scholars who wish to come to Shanghai University for exchange will havethe opportunity to be invited to participate in the International Youth Forumand experience the great humanistic style and scientific research strength (flight tickets and accommodation are undertaken by Shanghai University).
Welcome to join us !
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