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2015年6月英語四級聽力技巧之人物關係題  新東方    2015-02-05    




  ① 夫妻、戀人常用親昵溫柔的語氣:

  dear darling

  ② 店員與顧客常用的客氣的語氣:

  sir madam

  Can I…? What would you like to have?

  ③ 下屬對老板常用恭敬伏貼的語氣:

  Mr. Mrs.

  Ok Could you please…?

  ④ 親朋好友常用簡潔隨便的語氣:

  Hi! What’s up?

  Some water?

  ⑤ 父母、老師教訓子女、學生常用嚴厲的語氣:

  Don’t you remember…? What are you doing?

  ⑥ 醫生詢問病人的語氣:

  You need take… What’s the trouble with you?

  【例1】 2003.1

  W: John. What are you doing on your computer? Don’t you remember your promise?

  M: This is not a game. It’s only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.

  Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A) Colleagues B) Husband and wife

  C) Employer and employee D) Mother and son

  【解析】 播音之前考生需對選項(colleagues、husband and wife、employer and employee、mother and son)提前作好預測原文內容的信息詞彙準備。這題需掌握對話雙方的特殊身份語言及口氣:原文中“擴大我的詞彙量”明顯提示說話者是學生,根據女士的話及含有教訓的口氣“不記得你作的保證?”可推知其身份為家長,所以兩者的關係應為母子。選擇D。

  【例2】 2001.6

  W: I heard you got full marks in the maths exam. Congratulations!

  M: Thanks! I’m sure you also did a good job.

  Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A) A math teacher and his colleague B) A teacher and his student

  C) A student and his classmate D) A librarian and a student

  【解析】 通過選項可以斷定原文內容是發生在學校裏,留意對話雙方的口氣線索尤為重要。女士說她聽說男士在數學考試中得了滿分,男士說“you also did a good job.”指的是女士考得也不錯,抓住關鍵提示詞“also”,便可判斷其關係是同學。答案為C。

  1. A) Shop assistant and customer B) Waitress and customer

  C) Employee and manager D) Boss and employee

  2. A) Lawyer and client B) Boss and secretary

  C) Teacher and student D) Customer and waitress

  3. A) Teacher and student B) Policewoman and thief

  C) Policewoman and driver D) Mother and son

  4. A) Relatives B) Roommates

  C) Colleagues D) Neighbours

  5. A) Dentist and patient B) Patient and doctor

  C) Lawyer and client D) Teacher and student

  6. A) Wife and husband B) Waitress and customer

  C) Mother and son D) Student and classmate

  7. A) Husband and wife B) Friends

  C) Boss and secretary D) Employee and manager

  8. A) Salesman and customer B) Boss and secretary

  C) Mother and son D) Waiter and customer

  9. A) Waitress and customer B) Doctor and patient

  C) Customer and repairman D) Boss and secretary

  10.A) Customer and airline clerk B) Saleswoman and customer

  C) Daughter and father D) Wife and husband

  1. 【選A】原文重現

  W: Can I help you , sir?

  M: Well, I’d like to buy a pair of shoes. How much are they?

  Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  2. 【選B】原文重現

  M: Make ten copies for me and five copies for Mr. Bruce.

  W: Certainly, sir. As soon as I make the final corrections on the original.

  Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  3. 【選C】原文重現

  W: Sir, you should have stopped when I first signaled.

  M: I am sorry I didn’t notice that. Must I get a ticket?

  Q: What’s the probable relationship between the man and woman?






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