http://en.jybest.cn 中國日報網英語點津 Yvonne 編輯 2009-02-19 大 中 小
As someone who writes about happiness, I'm often challenged to answer these three questions:
1. How do I define "happiness," anyway?
2. Instead of happiness, which is fleeting/deceptive/egotistical/illusory, isn't the real goal to achieve joy/contentment/satisfaction/peace/self-realization or [fill in the blank]?
3. How can we agree on what it means to achieve these states? What I mean by happiness might not be what you mean by happiness. You say happiness is a warm puppy; I say happiness is living alone in a cabin at Walden Pond; etc.
對於我們而言,實現這些狀態意味著什麼呢? 我對快樂的定義和你的不一樣。你說快樂是一隻溫暖的小狗;我說快樂是獨自住在Walden Pond的一間小木屋裏麵;等等。
In law school, we spent an entire semester discussing the meaning of a "contract," and I know all too well how a term can elude you as you try to define it. For the purposes of my happiness project, I decided not to worry about definitions too much. In scholarship, there's merit in defining terms precisely, and one positive psychology study identified fifteen different academic definitions of happiness, but when it came to my project, spending a lot of energy exploring the distinctions among "contentment," "positive affect," "subjective well-being," "hedonic tone," and a myriad of other terms didn't seem necessary. I decided instead to follow the hallowed tradition set by Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, who defined obscenity by saying, "I know it when I see it."
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