AIVA Contemporary 2014
To Be with You: International Exhibition of Contemporary Jewellery
Venue: Star Space, 66 North Shaanxi Road, 4F, Shanghai, China
Duration: 2 June 2014 – 31 July 2014 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-4pm) Free admission
Opening: 31 May 2014 15.00-18.00
Organizer: Academy of International Visual Arts
Co-organizer: J-Tour Contemporary Jewellery Gallery
International art academy AIVA opens its doors to the public on 31 May. Together with the students’ annual summer show, AIVA unveils an international exhibition of contemporary jewellery - To Be with You, presenting works created with non-traditional concepts and materials. Illustrating a symbolic journey of which jewellery travels from the maker to the wearer, the exhibition features 19 emerging artists and designers from all over the world, showing original hand-made pieces inspired by body, nature, architecture and culture; using materials such as bamboo, textiles, rubber, digital fabrication, silicone, daily objects and even taxidermy.
For more information about events and artist talks, please visit our website: or
AIVA Contemporary 2014:《與你在一起》當代首飾國際邀請展
《與你在一起》當代首飾國際邀請展作為“AIVA Contemporary”的首個展覽項目,將於2014年5月31日與AIVA伯明翰藝術與設計學院中國預科夏季作品展聯合開幕。展覽邀請了19位國內外年輕藝術家與設計師,他們畢業於世界一流的首飾學院,活躍於國際當代首飾領域,對最前沿的首飾語言——包括材料、技術、形式和觀念——有全新的領悟和運用。《與你在一起》敘述首飾作品的完成,從離開製作者到被另一個身體佩戴的整裝待發,好比是一個信使對遠方的佩戴者傳遞問候、表露情感、或是許下諾言,權當是一種長久的相伴。它將引領觀眾踏上一段新奇的未知的旅程:以翅膀與鳥爪挑戰美與朽的界限;用虛擬的數字槌顛覆傳統的銀器敲製;絲襪、土壤和沐浴巾構成製作的貝殼呼應著女性身體的柔美纖細;每一件作品都有意想不到的驚奇值得深思玩味。
最新展覽及藝術家工作坊信息請登錄 或,或致電021-62720502。
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