http://en.jybest.cn 新東方在線 2015-08-14 大 中 小
The traditional hospitality of China demands the various of food which guests couldn’t finish. The typical menu in the Chinese banquet includes a set of cold dishes and the hot dishes after beginning to eat, such as meat, chicken, duck, vegetables and so on. For the most of the banquets, it is thought that whole fish should be necessary unless all kinds of seafood has been served. Nowadays, Chinese people prefer to combine the western specialties with traditional Chinese dishes. Thus, it is not uncommon to put the steak on the banquet. Although the Chinese traditionally don’t eat any dishes without cooking, Salad is also becoming popular. There is at least a soup course at the dinner, which can be either the first or the last one. Dessert and fruit usually mark the end of the banquet.
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