http://en.jybest.cn 互聯網 佚名 2015-10-23 大 中 小
What's your major? /What do u major in?你的專業是什麼.
What are you studying?
I'm an English major. /I major in English.我的專業是英語.
What club are you in?你參加哪個俱樂部?
What club do you belong to?
I'm in the ski club. 我在滑雪俱樂部.
Do you have a part-time job? 你在打工嗎?*full-time
Yes, I'm a tutor. I work 3 times a week.
Do you work part-time?
I work at a bookstore as a cashier once a week.我一個星期去一次書店做收銀員.
What are your plans after graduation?
I haven't decided yet.
What are u going to do after u graduate?
I have a large family.你家有幾口人。
How many people are in your family?
Four people. 四口人.
My parents and my younger sister.
Any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟姐妹嗎? --No, none.
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Any siblings? “兄弟姐妹”。
Just one brother.隻有一個哥哥. /I just have one brother.
Do you live with your parents? 你和父母住在一起嗎?
I live alone.我一個人住.
I live in an apartment. 我住在公寓裏.
Are you married?你結婚了嗎?
No, not yet. /Yes, I'm married.不,還沒有。
I have a fiancé. *fiancé未婚夫,fiancée未婚妻(我有對象了)
I'm going to get married next year.
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